Sunday 19 February 2012

Brand Values

After considering the target audience the brand, colours and most importantly organisation. I decided to give an outline as to what or how the organisation should be represented.

I came up with many terms and words of all the different possible values my brand shares, but came up with three ultimate brand values which confirms and identifies my logo and the organisation.

They are: 

ReliableMainly because I believe there should be a trust between consumers and the organisation a sense of trust that they are Reliable and will not let anyone down through the means of service (labour) and by selling goods that will last the consumer a long time.

Quality- Quality as in the goods and items such as tyres and car parts have the necessary significance/quality to make sure the organisation prove themselves to be efficient and Reliable. My logo will show the organisation to have the quality in the organisation that provides the best parts.

Advanced- Advanced, the fancier term for new or modern. As time progresses new means of equipment and test stations enter many fields of work, I want to be able to represent the logo to show that the brand is new efficient which links with Reliable and Quality, to also give a glimpse of hygiene show that this organisation is the way forward.

Here are the three main brand values I have chosen to have in my logo.

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